Artistic computer drawing of 31st Bridge in Pittsburgh, with steel mills in the background.


American Society of Mining and Reclamation Logo.

ASMR, American Society of Mining and Reclamation was established in 1983 to serve the mining and reclamation community as an outlet for scientific research and demonstration papers through our annual National meetings. These reclamation projects include activities associated with all kinds of drastically disturbed lands.

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Logo.

OSM's Technology Transfer Program supports and enhances the technical skills that States and Tribes need to operate their regulatory and reclamation programs and effectively implements the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act established in 1977. This technical information is developed through workshops, forums, benchmarking symposiums, OSM’s applied science funding program, and by partnering with other technical programs and transferred among our federal, state, tribal, industry, and academic partners through training, publications, exhibits, conferences, and websites

Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative.

A cooperative effort involving state mining agencies, OSM, and reclamation scientists, to encourage restoration of high quality forests on reclaimed coal mines. The ARRI sessions will be of interest to coal miners and reclamation personnel, land owners, mining consultants, natural resource agencies, reclamation scientists, watershed restoration organizations, students, and interested members of the public.


The Annual Pennsylvania Conference on Abandoned Mine Reclamation –  Every year since 1998, an assemblage of organizations have collectively put on a conference on matters surrounding abandoned mine reclamation.  Having a different flavor (and a more general audience) than "hard-core" technical conferences,  the PA Conference casts a wider net into such subject matters as communities, local support, partnerships, funding, current issues (to name a few) as well as technical aspects of mine reclamation.    A perennial partner, the Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation, is representing the PA Conference.
Stream Restoration Incorporated Logo.
Stream Restoration Incorporated (SRI) is a non-profit organization whose mission focuses on the restoration of streams impacted by abandoned coal mine drainage. Problems associated with abandoned minelands are so extensive that neither federal, state, or local governments nor the mining industry or watershed groups can adequately address the impacts by themselves. SRI addresses this problem by developing public-private partnerships involving industry, government agencies, academia, and citizen grassroots organizations in order that projects can be implemented promptly, efficiently and professionally.